Gwybodaeth gysylltu
Os oes gennych ymholiad neu os hoffech wybod mwy am ein gwasanaethau ffisiotherapi, byddai tîm Physio Môn yn hoffi clywed gennych. Mae’r clinig yn darparu triniaethau ac atebion pwrpasol i’ch helpu i ddychwelyd i’ch gwaith, hobïau neu chwaraeon cyn gynted â phosibl. Os nad ydych yn siŵr beth sydd ei angen arnoch, mae croeso i chi holi am unrhyw beth a byddwn yn cysylltu â chi cyn gynted ag y gallwn.
Cyferiad y clinig
Park Mt, Glanhwfa Rd, Llangefni Anglesey North Wales, LL77 7EY
Ffoniwch ni
07388 531 839
E-bostiwch ni
Archebwch ar-lein
Cliciwch yma
Rydych chi mewn dwylo da
Mike Roberts2023-10-21 Superb. Put my mind at rest. Thank you Bryn Hughes2023-10-19 One session and I’m fixed 😊 Great service and very professional, great communication from start and finish and even a checking in email Diolch Alison Stafford2023-08-16 As I was on holiday, I was lucky enough to get an appointment at short notice. I was asked to fill in a very simple form, online, prior to my attendance, with some basic details. The surgery is located at the top of a driveway, with accessible parking. There is a bell and you may be asked to wait before entering the building. The consultation and treatment areas are very clean and presentable. The lady physiotherapist is very thorough with her assessment and I was treated with a hands on approach, which I asked for, and this was a very effective way of helping me with my problem. I noticed that I could purchase a reusable wheat pack at a vey reasonable price, which I also did. I was able to pay with Apple Pay on a card machine. I received an email confirmation of my receipt. I would highly recommend Esther, whether you are a local resident or, as in my case, a visitor to the area. She was professional, respectful and very pleasant throughout the entire process. With thanks, AS. Sarah Floate2023-08-05 I can’t recommend Ester at Physio Mon highly enough. She is uniquely experienced in spinal injuries and helped me find solutions and a diagnosis when I was in a lot of pain. She knows the systems and enabled me to get a quick mri and was able to recommend a good consultant. She definitely goes the extra mile! I wouldn’t hesitate in recommending her. Karen Robinson2023-08-03 Excellent treatment and advice with post visit exercises. Esther can't thank you enough for the treatment and advice for my knee. Absolutely spot on!! Even felt better after initial treatment and now following exercises given and it's working really well. Woth every penny. Thankyou. Karen Openshaw Ally Abernethy2023-07-15 I can't recommend Esther enough. After a MRI I had on the nhs. I was anxious about the findings. Esther , listen to my concerns and explained the findings and how I can move forward. Esther, has given me the confidence to move on and enjoy my life . Carys Wyn2023-05-13 Best decision I made, I suffered a torn calf muscle 12 weeks ago and got to a point of I needed help, from the moment I rang to the moment I went for my appointment was so relaxed, after one visit a switch flicked on in my head that I needed to slowly build it up otherwise the pain wouldn’t go away, with Esthers wonderful help and a plan, roll on 10 days later I am walking a mile a day and recovered my confidence again 🤩🤩 thank you so much and I will be going to my festival in 3 weeks, onwards and upwards and I will not stand like a flamingo Môn Taxis2023-05-07 Esther was very welcoming, helpful and a fab listener as she questioned what could be “other factors” to my severe sciatica. We spoke for a good part of the session then moved to some stretches and treatment which has been wonderful and a HUGE relief to my lower back, hip area and most importantly my buttocks down the back of the leg in turn releasing the sciatica pain. Highly recommended! Carys2023-03-01 Fantastic care and treatment by Danny Gethin Morgan2023-02-26 A great diagnosis and remedial exercises proposed. Would definitely recommend.Google rating score: 5.0 of 5, based on 28 reviews